Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Things Get Moving

     Life can leave you breathless sometimes. Both meanings of this phrase are implied here. There are moments, people, and places that can stun you and leave you in a total state of awe and wonder. Yes, life can take your breath away and leave you blissful. Yet, it can also literally take your breath away -- as in leaving you huffing and puffing because everything is just moving to fast. There is too much going on and not much time between things. All you can do is struggle to keep up.
     Of course, there is a calm before every storm. Before the events of life happen, we are given time to prepare. Oh, how we squander that time away! Our anxious anticipation gets the better of us and we take little time to truly prepare. We want the waiting to end quickly -- the time must go faster. And then...it is here and gone! Life caught up to our eager anticipation and then left us too quickly. Before we know it, we are neck-deep in responsibilities, events, and tasks. Whether we try to speed up or stall, things will get moving just as quickly. Life takes little notice of our eager pleas or our cries for mercy. It moves as it will. 

So, when life gets moving -- just breath and go along for the ride.

1 comment:

  1. I've definitely felt that way--but much of the time I'm saying, "No, I'm not ready! A little more time!"

    Don't they say anticipation is one of the most enjoyable parts of life anyway?
