We are not meant to be stagnant. We need to work and create -- we need challenges. Something to set our sights on and dedicate ourselves to. It is quite easy to become complacent and settle into a comfortable routine. This, however, will only leave us dull and lazy. Our physical and intellectual abilities need to be exercised. The need is obvious for physical exercise -- muscles and joints need motion and use to be kept in working order. As for intellectual exercise, this can be easily overlooked. Yet, spend one day with little to stimulate your mind and you will definitely notice it. You begin to crave just about anything to avoid that mental stagnation. This is healthy and should be encouraged. You grow and learn by keeping your physical and intellectual self moving.
Yes, those comfortable complacent habits feel so easy and natural, but they will not get you anywhere. Do what it takes to keep yourself stimulated and moving forward. If you are lucky, you have someone who is there to help encourage you along. They will poke and prod you to find challenges for yourself. Listen to them and build off of their energy. They will help you to realize your goals and keep moving towards them.
Rise to the challenge -- any ones that you can find.
Hehe. -poke-poke-poke-