We are a society of instant gratification. Buy it now because it is the newest thing and you gotta have it. Waiting is not our style. Too often we rush our lives -- we rush decisions, service, and our work. This mad dash to get things moving usually gets us sloppy results. If we could just discipline ourselves into being patient with life, we might find that we can progress much further than expected. Our initial investment to wait a little, hold out a little longer, or work a little harder will pay off big in the end. We may not always get what we want and when we want it, but we will be richly rewarded for our patience. Let things occur at their own pace and do not stress over any minor hardships. The long hours, the distance between loved ones, and the little bit of waiting will allow us to be ready and to appreciate what comes our way.
Plan for the long road ahead and your destination will be that much sweeter to reach.
I like the idea of waiting as an investment.