There are days that just don't go quite right. At least not according to your standards for the day. Call it "waking up on the wrong side of the bed" or just not having things go your way, it can be rough. Food doesn't settle right, words don't sound right, and you just struggle to interact with people. Try as hard as you can, things will not be the way that you want them to be. You can struggle and flail about to get things back on your ideal track, but you will rarely make progress that way. No, the white flag needs to be raised and you just need to laugh.
So, when your favorite pastor doesn't say the words that inspire you, take it as it is and say your own words. When other drivers on the road are frustrating you, get off the road and go get breakfast. If your card gets declined, then just ask a close friend or loved one to spot you - make sure to ask with a smile or a kiss. If your health insurance suddenly gets cancelled in an unreasonable manner, just shop around and stay healthy in the meantime. When you get a call from your bank's fraud alert line and find out that your debit card has been compromised, just relax - take the necessary steps to correct it and think of the waiting time as a way to save money. When a movie just keeps getting interrupted by one thing or another, just enjoy the pleasant interruptions and watch when you can. When a romantic moment is ruined by a serious case of the burps and some scratchy facial hair, spend some time laughing about it and then call it a night.
When you stop fighting and just let things be what they will be, a surprising satisfaction will settle upon you. Things work out in the ways that they were meant to and we are usually better off for it. So, embrace what comes your way and be ready for the ride.
Let your days be what they may and take time to enjoy a cup of tea in the meantime.
Hehehe. What a day. Hope that satisfaction stays with you through your last four days!! :-)
ReplyDeleteHey thanks! I kind of was thinking of your day as well. Once you let go a little, you had all sorts of things get resolved or come your way.