Saturday, April 2, 2011

Momentum Catches On

     The spring thaw has begun. The world begins to shrug its shoulders and throw off the winter snow. A large mound of snow falls from a pine branch. It hits the snow bank below and keeps moving. Slowly at first, but then quickening down the slope of the hillside. As it rolls, it picks up more snow and more speed. Larger and larger -- faster and faster. Now we have a huge ball of snow careening down the steep slope, seemingly out of control! And lightly hits the back of the snow bank and breaks apart, revealing all the small parts that make the whole. For a moment, catastrophe seemed imminent. And while there was no real danger to cars driving on the highway at the bottom of the hill, you still grip your wheel a little tighter for that moment.
     It is incredible how so many things can "snowball" on us. I find that this is especially true when I am over critical of myself. I nitpick and point every failure, piling one on top of another. It quickly becomes overwhelming and discouraging. All those little failures and shortcomings will collect with your worry and stress into an out-of-control chaos. If you let it, this high-momentum wreck will mow you down and crush you.
     However, when you take away the momentum from this mess, it falls apart into its many pieces. The once daunting mass of failure and distress becomes just a scattering of harmless little mishaps. They are manageable and often forgettable. Their power was in the momentum. The accelerating movement can convey great power and meaning to the most random collection of events, thoughts, ideas, or feelings. You must be careful and only let the most positive and beneficial elements of life build up speed.

When things get rolling, just be aware of where they are headed and what is in control.

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