Some days are just blurry. The events of the day run together and nothing seems stand out. It can feel like the simplest task will require all the energy and focus that you can muster. At the end of it all, you are amazed that you made it through the day and that anything got done. For me, this confusing state is usually the result of a lack of sleep or a neglect of my overall health. Sometimes I just want to keep going and not slow down for anything. There is too much to get done! I get to thinking that I can take on everything that might come my way. Alas, this sort of thinking will catch up with me quite quickly. The blurry days are a warning sign. Eventually, the exhaustion or sickness will really take hold and force you to focus and be careful with your health.
So, I sleep when my body tells me and I take better care of myself. It is a simple thing and it will help me focus and get more out of my days.
So, take time to focus on your well being and you will be able to focus better elsewhere.
You could probably just repost this for today, too, huh? Hope you feel better!