Monday, April 11, 2011

Passion Requires Dedication

     Our world is amazing and diverse. There is so much to experience and so many adventures to to peak our curiosity. It is only normal to find yourself with many varied interests. However, it is even more satisfying when you discover that an interest has become a passion. Something is no longer a mere activity for entertainment value, but rather it has become a part of who you are. Our passions are so ingrained within ourselves -- we become identifiable by those passions. It is a wonderful feeling to be able to explore your passion and learn more about it. Even better when you can find others who share that passion. Human creativity and curiosity knows no bounds when let loose.
     But passion is not stable and will wither when it is stagnant. No, it needs continued work and dedication. Our passions can only continue to bear fruit when they are tended and fed. So, any passionate interest that you have requires diligent and focused work to be maintained. Curiosities need to be fed. Challenges need to be met. The long road must be followed and the many hours must be spent to make our passions lifelong and fulfilling vocations. I have true admiration for those people who spend the hours, ask the questions, and make the sacrifices to follow those passions and make them truly great. This is no easy thing. Our interests come and go -- we get tired and move on. True greatness in anything will require that dedication -- we just need to decide if we are ready and able.

Passion. Enthusiasm. Dedication. These make a great life's work.


  1. Very true! Sounds like you got to spend some good time exploring those interests that may become passions today. :-) Interests definitely wax and wane and come along at odd points in my life (I don't know if I've really ever had an interest *go*, though...), but I've never regretted pursuing them each for a little while. It makes my life a lot richer! AND even if, in the end, they don't turn out to be passions, they certainly have helped me uncover and define what my passions *are.*

  2. (also, is there any way you can tell Blogger I'm ok so I don't have to do these stupid "type this word into the box below' verifications anymore?)
