Saturday, April 9, 2011

Soft Rain and Mountain Mists

     It seems that most people find those gray and rainy days to be rather depressing and dreary. I love them. The gray skies do not get me down. The low lying clouds feel cozy, like a soft blanket that sets in atop the mountain towns. The rain smells fresh and washes everything clean. The coolness is pleasant  when compared to the artificial heat that has been pumped into our spaces all winter long. The rainy days feel natural and cleansing.
As I sit and watch the waves of rain lightly spatter the streets, my eyes wonder up to the familiar mountains surrounding this valley. The clouds hug the peaks tightly and the light mist shrouds their tops. I am in awe as these mountains, which always tower over us in our little valley towns, now rise up and up into the vanishing nothingness.
     Rainy days bring me peace and awe. Everything is washed clean in this spring rain. In a way, so am I. The trees and plants get rinsed clean and then soak up as much as they can. Spring rain is a welcome alternative to the heavy, cold snows of winter. We all agree on that. The seasons are changing just in time to relieve us of our winter weariness. Now we, just like the trees and plants, may begin to reawaken and grow a little more. For me, I am able to focus a little better and take things as they come. My ambitions and inspirations are given new energy. I am ready for spring and I am eager to create and explore.

There is peace in these gentle showers and mountain mists. Seek it out.

1 comment:

  1. I loved the rain today too! I took a long luxurious walk and enjoyed the mist and the grays and greens... it was great.
